Projects and Clients

Scroll down to see a selection of my projects and clients,

with a featured project at the top.

Featured Project


Growing up isn’t easy, and it’s no exception for 12-year-old Ashley whose well-meaning Mom has her own ideas about who Ashley should be. Finding herself in an impossible situation, Ashley must decide whether to wear a gaudy dress she hates or find the courage to stand up for herself and fight the inner monster that is holding her back.

The animated short film ‘Pivot’ is a defining moment in Ashley’s quest to be herself at the risk of disappointing the person she loves the most, her Mom.

From 2019 to 2021 I was part of the WIA ACE program. 

Women in Animation Vancouver’s ACE (Animation Career EXCELerator) Program is designed to advance the careers of women in the animation industry by giving them a key credit in the creation of their very own short film, TV proof of concept or web series pilot, and by providing mentorship and training along the way, to ensure they are set up for success.  

This was one of the best experiences of my life and resulted in:


  • A brilliant 7 minute animated short film
  • My company Wider Entertainment Inc.
  • Deep friendships with my fellow ACE program team members
  • Lifelong connections with my mentors 


  • Loved the project so much that I stayed on as Associate Producer – Yay!  🥰



Let’s Start a Project!